As the year comes to a close, many of us often use this time to reflect on our lives, accomplishments, missteps and what’s next. Having spent the last 40+ years in the field of aging, I can’t help but look at the amazing changes that have occurred and be grateful for the opportunity I’ve had …

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In my last blog we addressed this new phenomenon of living to 100 and that the majority of Americans said doing so was one of their goals. While it’s certainly good news that so many people are interested in potentially living this long, the bad news occurs if you aren’t prepared to do so. Statistically, …

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As we’ve discussed many times here, aging is definitely changing. And as a result, more and more people are intrigued with this new longevity and the possibility of living long. But can we, or should we really plan to live to 100 … and if so, how? While longevity is truly one of, if not …

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A recent Time magazine poll reports that approximately one in four Americans say they don’t plan to ever retire.  Clearly the Rolling Stones are a great example of this but believe it or not, they’re also playing a role in helping fans better prepare for this new ‘retirement’ life phase by not only serving as …

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After last month’s blog celebrating ‘America’s Amazing Super Seniors’, today we return to the Wealthspan focus of Longevity Planning to address the financial aspects of preparing for this new retirement. We left off discussing the fact that while the majority of Americans are concerned about the financial realities of living long, people don’t seem to …

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