While we all recognize the concept of retirement has changed, perhaps it’s time to start changing conversations to incorporate a focus on life planning versus just retirement planning to help and encourage people to better prepare financially for all their life stages. Funny thing about this life journey we’re all on in that there are …
Read MoreAs a gerontologist studying the aging process, people often ask me, “What’s the secret?” While some of the most exciting research in this field focuses on this area, current studies indicate there’s not just one thing, but rather a number of things that contribute to not only living long, but perhaps more importantly, living well. …
Read MoreMost Americans agree that aging is definitely changing. By living longer, healthier lives we are redefining the traditional life stages that have historically occurred at specific ages. Few have been more radically redefined than the concept of retirement. In many ways, this has been both a long time coming and actually beneficial to people of …
Read MoreWould you believe that much of the aging process is all in your head? In many ways, how we age often starts in our brain since what we think plays a significant role in both how long and how well we live. Brain health has definitely hit the big time. Never before has there been …
Read MoreRetired CEO and entrepreneur Walter Green experienced a unique trip of a lifetime, which included various stops across the United States, as well as Canada, Mexico and even Kenya. However, this was not your typical sightseeing adventure, rather this was a gratitude journey that had profound effects on more than just him. At the age …
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